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ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer
ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer is a versatile and powerful instrument that utilizes the principle of Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) (ISO 1332202) for all applications that require accurate and reproducible measuring results for both particle shape and particle size of powders and bulk solids as well as of liquid suspensions and emulsions. The ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer provides results for a wide measuring range, dry measurements (20–20000 μm) and wet measurements (5–3000 μm) and delivers particle size and multiple shape parameters.
The ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer uses an optical system that offers high resolution for measurement, the sample material is filled into the funnel and conveyed to the falling chute via the automatically controlled feeder (4), which its U-shaped cross section ensures a good material feed. There, the sample falls through a measuring chamber (2) between the camera (1) with telecentric lens and LED strobe light (3) into an easy to clean sample collecting vessel. The images recorded continuously during this process offer a variety of evaluation possibilities. And the sample remains undamaged and completely intact throughout the entire analysis process.
ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer
- Particle size and particle shape analysis that meets the requirements of ISO 13322-2 for Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA)
- Dry Measurements
- Extra wide dry measuring range of 20 μm–20000 μm
- Telecentric lens provide for the particles to remain in focus no matter where they are in the Field of View
- Up to 75 images per second
- Agglomerates are preserved
- Practical Clean Design of the measuring chamber
- Optimal number of particles due to automatic adjustment of the feeder
- Easy handling
- Modular Wet Dispersion
- Extra wide measuring range 5 μm – 3 mm
- Telecentric lens provide for the particles to remain in focus no matter where they are in the Field of View
- Powerful, maintenance-free and modular wet dispersion system
- Variable suspension volume between 150 ml and 500 ml
- Many organic solvents can also be used as a standard
- Efficient, valveless and automatic rinsing
- No dead space in measuring and rinsing circulation system
- Separate ultrasonic box with up to 50-Watt output for deagglomeration
- Fast and consistent cleaning
Typical Areas of Application
Fast Alternative to Sieving
If you conduct many and frequent sieve analyses, the ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer is the ideal, time-saving and cost-effective alternative completely without weighing, assembling of a sieve stack and time-consuming cleaning. And with substantially reduced follow-up costs, as there is no need to calibrate or purchase new sieves. And additionally, you receive besides the particle size distribution, also valuable information about the particle shape.
Fig 1: Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 28 ImageSizer ideal for production and quality control, research, development and laboratory
Images are beautiful. Images are intuitive. Images are meaningful. These are already some of the main advantages of Dynamic Image Analysis. But first things first.
Two recurrent tasks in particle analysis are the determination of the particle size distribution of a sample and questions about the shape of the particles. However, like so often, the selection of the appropriate method to accomplish these tasks depends on numerous parameters. And there is not always a clear answer as to which is the best method to cover all aspects of the task at hand as completely and efficiently as possible. The world is complex.
Thus, you first have to look at the essential characteristics of the material to be investigated and further clearly define what exactly the analysis should yield. And certainly the most important, central parameter here is simply the size of the particles to be examined: If these have a size of only a few micrometers and less, one will resort to other methods than with large chunks, which can also be several millimeters in size. Today, we will focus precisely on these “chunks”, the range between a few micrometers and a few millimeters or even centimeters. This is the range in which images captured by light optics can show their strengths.
First, the software must detect each particle. To do this, the parts of the image that are darker than the background, the shadow of each particle, is searched for. You have to be aware that the camera does not only deliver either black or white pixels, but also numerous gray values in between. And at the particle edges the brightness transition from light to dark is not abrupt. Thus, it is necessary to determine starting from which gray value a pixel is identified as belonging to the particle, i.e. a threshold is introduced that divides all images into “particle” and “background”. This process is called binarization.
By the way, it is helpful if you can see in the software where exactly this binarization threshold is located on captured images. This gives you an important and helpful tool for judging how “reasonably” the software captures individual particles.
Once the binarization has taken place, numerous parameters are then determined from the obtained outlines for each detected particle. Unlike many other methods in particle size measurement, the user has a choice here: For irregularly shaped particles, you first need to think about the particle size definition to use. The ImageSizing Software (ISS) from Fritsch offers a wide range of possibilities here. Comparisons of distribution graphs using different definitions of particle size can then be made quickly and flexibly (Figure 2).
In addition to determining the particle size distribution, Dynamic Image Analysis has a strong focus on shape detection, of course. How much do the particles of the examined sample deviate from the ideal spherical shape? What is the width-to-length ratio of the material? Do coarse particles differ fundamentally in shape from finer particles? These are just a few possible questions that can be addressed by an image acquisition system.
When displaying the shape parameters of an examined material sample, two different options are now available in the ImageSizing-Software ISS: For a selected shape parameter, e.g. the Aspect Ratio (width-to-length), a distribution analogous to a particle size distribution can be generated – instead of a particle size, the Aspect Ratio is plotted on the x-axis. The y-axis then represents either the relative fraction of particles with an Aspect Ratio smaller than the x-axis value (solid line in Figure 3, left y-axis) or the fraction within a certain Aspect Ratio interval (shown as a bar in Figure 3, right y-axis). This provides a quick, compact overview with respect to the selected shape parameter.
However, this representation does not show for which particle sizes certain Aspect Ratio values may occur preferentially, e.g. whether large particles tend to deviate from the perfect spherical shape more than smaller ones. This is where displaying the data in a 2D or even 3D Cloud is helpful. As an example, Figure 4 shows the same measurement as a 2D Cloud. Each measured particle generates a data point where the y value gives the Aspect Ratio and for x value the Area Equivalent Diameter is chosen. Of course, any other size (or even shape) parameter can also be used for the x axis.
It is obvious that for this example the smaller particles deviate more often from the spherical shape than the larger ones. However, we can also find a range around 750 µm particle size, where particles with a smaller aspect ratio also occur more frequently.
Let’s return to the statement we made at the beginning: images are beautiful. Images are intuitive. Images are expressive. In a nutshell, this describes the great charm of the method. With many other techniques for particle sizing, you are facing something like a black-box approach. You throw in a sample, data is generated in an almost miraculous way, and a result appears at the end in the output box. A deeper understanding is usually possible, but involves considerable effort. Different here: You can always take a look at the images! And there you go, you can explain the result just by watching. Just like that.
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57 Grant Drive, Suite G
Pittsboro, NC, 27312
Phone + 1 919 229 0599
Email: info@fritsch-us.com
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